Pano Rojas
Tamarindo, Costa Rica
Juan Diego Rojas, also known as “Pano” is the director of Casa Vida Plantation in Tamarindo, Costa Rica and the pastor of Casa Vida Church Tamarindo.
Pano’s vision is to develop and train leaders to plant churches. The strategy he has, is, besides the local church were he regularly teaches, he wants to develop a Biblical Institute in Tamarindo. Actually the institute has already three courses going on, but the desire is to offer more training. Pano’s heart is to reach the lost of his country and beyond, by planting churches that are culturally relevant but Biblically strong and Theologically sound. Pano has a heart to teach and to preach. Besides being the lead pastor in Casa Vida Tamarindo Church, he leads Casa Vida Plantation which aims to plant churches in costal communities of Costa Rica. Plantation has planted three churches so far and is working in the plantation of one more.
Pano has a heart for the gospel and to see people being transformed by the preaching of it and by the power of the Holy Spirit. He has dedicated the last 12 years to the ministry, to the preaching and to the investment in new leaders. He went to Southern Baptist Theological Seminary to get his Master’s of Divinity, but he wants to continue his studies pursuing a Ph.D in the area of Historical Theology. Pano believes there is a lack of Biblical Scholars and good Biblical Teachers in Costa Rica. He has written two books, and several articles which have been published in international platforms. One of his desires is to keep contributing in this area to the Latin American Church and to the mission.
Pano is facing a big challenge right now which is raising funds for his Ph.D, he needs $30,000 for the next 3 years. If you wish to partner with him in this project, please click in the donation sign and specify “Studies”.

Daniel Valverde
Nosara, Costa Rica
Dani is the pastor of Casa Vida Nosara and partners in a church planting organization called Plantación Casa Vida.
After working with different youth groups in San Jose, the Lord called him and his family to plant a church in Nosara 11 years ago. With the clear mission of planting biblically relevant churches and making truly committed disciples, they have been developing programs that involve profound and systematic Bible studies, evangelizing events, outreaches, and social work (building houses for people in need or similar). Also, they started a Christian-based education program for people in the community who are not able to enroll in the public system. As the church grows, they face the need of being in full-time ministry, building new facilities and classrooms to gather, land provided by God, a Christian community center, and a place for missionaries to stay when serving this community. Please join them in prayer and consider supporting them in their mission.
Facebook: CasaVidaNosara
Website: casavidanosara.org

Valeria Valverde
Playa Azul, Costa Rica
Valeria Valverde is a missionary working in the ministry Casa Vida Playa Azul, Costa Rica.
She is preparing herself in missions and currently studying theology. Her heart is towards long-term missions in unreached places in the world and that is what drives her to prepare herself to do that and be sent in the future. Currently, she is serving in the local church, in the girls' ministry, and in Casa Vida Camp which is a place where she is able to serve the people of the town, visitors and disciple other women as well.

Álvaro Poveda
Playa Azul, Costa Rica
Jesus Christ saved Álvaro in 2014 by His grace and for His glory. Since then, God has given him the desire to grow and learn more from His Savior. Now, God has called him to live in Playa Azul, Costa Rica, to work with the Iglesia Biblica in Playa Azul as a deacon and the ministry of the Christian Camp Playa Azul (CCPA).
Álvaro is now married to Cristina and they are both actively involved in the church plantation process. In Playa Azul, their goal is to spread the Gospel and disciple people in a town that has been completely forgotten by the Costa Rican government, and the people of Costa Rica, but not by God and His glorious.
He is helping with Bible studies, preaching, soccer ministry for kids, and he also leads and hosts alongside the CCPA Camp many churches from Costa Rica and for the United States to reach the 6 goals of the Camp: support the ministry of the local church, provide jobs for the local people, provide a recreational center for our community, create a testimony for the church by impacting the community through social work, bring sound doctrinal teaching resources and prepare, equip and send missionaries around the world.

Alex Bejarano
Tamarindo, Costa Rica
Alex is one of the pastors of Iglesia Casa Vida Tamarindo.
As part of the founding leadership of Casa Vida, Alex knew from the moment the Lord called him that he had a deep desire to serve Jesus for the rest of his life. As God drew him closer to his calling it wasn’t until the founding pastor of Casa Vida, Pano Rojas, went to seminary that Alex was commissioned to become the lead pastor of the local church. At a critical time in the church Alex took on the task of restructuring different areas that needed attention such as a deeper sense of community, a more effective approach to discipleship and local missions. In doing so Casa Vida Tamarindo is now in a stage of walking faithfully to become the church displayed by the apostle Paul in Ephesians 4:1-16.
Casa Vida Tamarindo has new found needs with it’s new vision such as the local Children’s Feeding Center and the growing Mercy Home ministry building homes for the poor but also the task of raising mature disciples through sound teaching and discipleship. Please pray for Casa Vida Tamarindo that the Lord may lead them through the Holy Spirit to grow faithfully in the marks of a healthy church for the glory of God. Alex is married to his loving wife Lynn and they both have two beautiful daughters, Ariana and Kaila.

The Clark Family
Pictured left to right: Luke, Jason, Veronica, Leah
Jason and Veronica Clark felt the Holy Spirit call their family to serve as full-time missionaries in Honduras.
Since then, they have been preparing and participating in outreach with Honduran immigrants and other Spanish-speakers in Baldwin County, Alabama. God has also connected them to local missionary mentors and missionaries currently serving in Honduras.
As the Clarks are getting ready to move overseas to the jungle, they are raising financial support. Please prayerfully consider joining their team of partners.